
Showing posts from January, 2019
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Game of Thrones | Season 8 | Official Tease: Crypts of Winterfell (HBO)

This trailer indicates that the white walkers are attacking them.  There is always a scene of fog rushing in before the white walkers attack.

The Martell Family

(Click on READ MORE to see entire article) Who do you think Brienne will marry Jamie, Tormund or neither How do you think we can stop the ice dragon? Do you think Ellaria Sand will kill Cersei because Cersei killed her daughter Tyana Sand, the Mountain killed Oberyn (the Mountain is Cersei's guard).  Euron Greyjoy who is Cersei's ally, is responsible for the death of Ellaria's two other daughters. The Mountain is the guy on the right. and Euron is pictured below
Tomorrow we will attempt to sew these sigils.