(BE SURE TO CLICK ON READ MORE UNTIL SEE VIDEO) click on the play button, read, and leave comment T he Night King just got done demolishing the wall near Eastwatch and is on the way to Winterfell to cross off Bran from his list. J ohn Snow will be in Winterfell visiting Sansa and Bran. John will be killed by the Night King after John kills many White Walkers, including the White Walker that used to be Hordor. A fter the Night King slaughters John, he will go and execute Bran. All while this is happening, Jamie will also be in Winterfell because Cersei just got done dumping him and Brienne fancies him. After Jamie kills many White Walkers, one of the White Walkers finally gets to him and Brienne. N ow that two of the main characters are deceased, there remains the problem of the ice dragon. Unfortunately, after some epic dragon battles, we learn that blue flames are hotter than yellow flames. So Cersei wi...