
Showing posts from December, 2018
There will be a "Clegagne Bowl" The queen of Dorn will escape and try to kill Cersei, but the killer of Cersei will be Arya Stark There will be epic dragon battles. Jamie will die fight for Brienne and Brienne will also perish fighting for Jamie. The night king will finally put Bran behind him Euron will defeat Theon

Game Of Throne Theories


Game Of Throne Theories


Game Of Throne Theories

(BE SURE TO CLICK ON READ MORE UNTIL SEE VIDEO) click on the play button, read, and leave comment T he Night King just got done demolishing the wall near Eastwatch and is on the way to Winterfell to cross off Bran from his list.   J ohn Snow will be in Winterfell visiting Sansa and Bran.  John will be killed by the Night King after John kills many White Walkers, including the White Walker that used to be Hordor.  A fter the Night King slaughters John, he will go and execute Bran.  All while this is happening, Jamie will also be in Winterfell because Cersei just got done dumping him and Brienne fancies him.  After Jamie kills many White Walkers, one of the White Walkers finally gets to him and Brienne.  N ow that two of the main characters are deceased, there remains the problem of the ice dragon.  Unfortunately, after some epic dragon battles, we learn that blue flames are hotter than yellow flames.  So Cersei wi...
What do you think?  RT telling us what you think?
If a flame is blue coming out of a dragon's mouth, it is much-much hotter than a yellow flame.  
Jamie Lannister is on the way to Winterfell.  The Night King is after Bran and the Night King just got finished demolishing the wall. The Night King , too, is on the way to Winterfell.  Brienne of Tarth is in Winterfell.  One of the White Walkers will kill Jamie when he tries to save Brienne.  Another White Walker will kill Brienne,  What do you think?
The Night Kings next stop is Winterfell.  Remember the Night King just got done demolishing the wall at Eastwatch.  Bran is in Winterfell and Bran is on the Night King's "list".  Bran will easily die.  Sansa will probably die too.  Aerya will probably escape and go on to kill Cersie wearing Peter Baelish's face.  Be sure to click on READ More Be sure to comment on what you think...
Theon Greyjoy will be killed by Huron Greyjoy. Theon will try to bring glory to his father and save his sister, but sadly will fail. Be sure to click on "READ MORE" Theon will search for Yara and when he finds her Huron will fight Theon. Theon, during the fight will say that he is going to give glory back to his father and save Yara. Huron will ROFL. The fight will be long and epic, but Huron will win. What do you think? please leave what you think will happen in the comments:
Aerya will wear the face of Peter Baelish and kill Cersie.
Cersie needs to fashion a harpoon made of Dragon Glass and shoot the ice dragon and any ice giants.